Fasten Your Seatbelt is the first book written exclusively for teens with a brother or sister with Down syndrome. In an easy-to-read, question-and-answer format, nearly 100 questions are tackled on a broad range of their most common issues and concerns. This book gives teens the green light to explore their own feelings and questions about their sibling with Down syndrome and how their relationship may change in the future. Sue Levine and Brian Skotko answer the toughest questions from their book on a YouTube Channel dedicated exclusively to brothers and sisters who have siblings with Down syndrome.

Common Threads is an essay and photographic celebration of inspirational accomplishments of people with Down syndrome. This 181-page book, filled with stories and research about the potential and dreams of people with Down syndrome, is perfect for new parents of a baby with Down syndrome or any person who sees great potential in someone with extra chromosomes. Common Threads received the 2002 National Media Award for print publication by the National Down Syndrome Congress.